Very recently I ordered a tiny haul from the very lovely Evil Angel (one of the Wicked Vixens!) who owns her own makeup company called Evil Shades.
If you haven't seen her stuff before, check it out here.
You're back? Okay!
Last night I decided to play around with everything I got! Are you ready for this?
Thse are the eyeshadows I got, L-R,
Panic, Heartless Queen, Sinister, Cheshire, Venom
Venom is black. Not matte of flat, but sparkly black with loads of depth. I can never get enough black eyeshadows and this fits the bill perfectly. Wet or over primer it is a true black, and blends really well.
Cheshire is gorgeous, a smokey purple with loads of shimmer with a pinkish reflection if applied lightly.
My camera refused to capture the gorgeousness that is this green!
Super shimmery, bright and fun!
My camera hated this colour too, believe me when I say this is RED.
Slightly blue/pink toned and packed with simmer.
A very sweet shimmery baby pink colour.
So gorgeous, reminds me of candy. I can imagine a Hime-Gyaru or Lolita using this a lot.
Eyshadows, in short: These apply great over primer or wet, applied dry they are very soft and sheer.
The colours are truly gorgeous, I need them all!
The only "cons" I can think of to say about the eyeshadows (and I really had to try to find anything bad!) are that when mine arrived I had a few that desperately tied to escape, the pots had unscrewed themselves slightly in shipping and because there are no sifters everything in the bag had a fine coating of shadow.
Not a big issue, but maybe can be fixed with a tiny bit of tape to make sure the pots don't unscrew in international shipping.
This is just gorgeous. I only ordered one gloss as I hate when: it's too sticky, smells weird, tastes awful, too goopy, too thin, too gritty I could go on. All through high school I searched for the "prefect" gloss - to no avail. Colours I loved felt or smelled weird, good consistencies had boring colours or smelled weird.
If only I had known about evil shades... I have been blown away by this gloss. It smells great, a subtle coconut smell, by no means overpowering, it's not gritty or goopy or sticky. And the colour... I love this.
It's not quite as dark as I thought it would be, but it's definitely a wearable red.
The three lipsticks I got (T-B) Fiendish, Bane, Suffocation.
As you can see above, one stoke out of the tube gives gorgeous sheer colour,
but builded up these colours really pack a punch!
Fiendish: This was really hard to photograph, it ended up looking far more patchy (it wasn't this bad!)
First cab of the rank is the totally unwearable, mind blowing, absolutely amazing blue lipstick.
As soon as I saw this i HAD to have it. I am determined to wear it out, clubbing, to the supermarket, anywhere except for work. A friend saw this is my makeup bag, she has now decided she needs it too!
Bane: This is a simply gorgeous colour! In the pic above it's not as shiny or showing much of the true colour, in life it's an amazing candy pink that reflects blue! A light coat (as above) is super subtle, wearable even to work! Build it up and it completely changes from sweet to kickarse!
Corruption: Can you see how frikking gorgeous this is?! A deep purpley burgundy with GREEN shimmer. Love love love love love. Seriously.
Lipsticks, in short: These are nothing short of AMAZING. The colours ROCK, the formula is silky and creamy, they're super moisturising and did I mention, THEY SMELL LIKE CANDY. Oh my god... I can't stop wearing them just because of the smell!
I really can't think of a single bad thing to say about these at all...
Now all that's left to do is bide my time while Evil Shades takes over the world. Help her out!