Hello my darklings!
Sorry for my absence of late, I've been ridiculously busy lately, what with working and... working. Haha!
Another reason I've been away is I had a bit of a problem. As you may have known I had a tear in my right thumbnail below the quick, I'd been using pieces of tea bag as a silk wrap replacement, but the inevitable happened, I didn't buff it down quite as much as I thought I had and I snagged it, tearing across.
I hate having my nails mis-matched lengths. So I've been reduced to this...
I'm just kidding!
I really hope all of you can tell the difference between bitten and cut nails!
Okay back on topic... sort of...
Here's what they REALLY look like!
My sad little thumb... :(
You can see how stuffed up it is...
No more pics of this until it grows out more!

My inpiration for this was partly all the cute pastels I kept seeing around easter, as well as having Nubar - Milk Chocolate Creme turn up. I'm not sure about using it for day-to-day polish, but boy, I'll use this guy for nail art for sure!
What I used:
Thumb and pinkies: Eyeko - Lilac Polish(The only Eyeko so far that agreed with me! Yay!)
Forefinger: Franken
Middle: BYS - White
Ring: Eyeko - Vintage
Chocolate: Nubar - Milk Chocolate Creme
Rhinestones: Konad Nail Art Stones
Oh and the title of this post is from me worried that chocolate would look more like... well... you get the picture.
My photography lecturer in Uni used to used the phrase "turd polishing" a lot. It means when you start with a piece of crap, you can spend ours and hours polishing and refining it, but in the end, it's still a piece of crap.
One day he was looking at what I was working on, shook his head and for the billionth time...
"You can't polish a turd"
Not missing a beat I looking him in the eye with a manic grin and said
"Maybe... but you can roll it in glitter!"