I told you I'd be back!
Here's a mini update on everything that's been happening in my little world...
Started temping, finished temping, got called back to work as casual contract for the company, broke my thumby nail (but you knew that), racked up a stupid internet bill, got cut off, got taken on as casual by work, watched my nails grow, received a mystery package (WHO WAS THAT!?!? TELL ME!!!!!!) did some modelling, and yesterday, the big day, finally got the internet reconnected AND got offered a permanent contract at my job! Yay!
I know I've missed a LOT while I've been away, you all need to fill me in ASAP!
What's the gossip? Who's hated? Who's new? What trends are you loving? What life changing posts have you made? What have you been doing with your lovely selves?!
In the meanwhile, here's the result of one of my modelling ventures! (clicky for bigger!)
Comment on this post with EVERYTHING I've missed!!! Or email me if it's OH... MY... GOD... kind of news!